Sunday, May 30, 2010

Awards for Cross Country

We were place getters in the Mapua School Cross Country.

Cross Country

We ran the cross country today and feel proud of it! We ran like the wind.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rakau Rhythm

We are learning to improve our hand-eye co-ordination in PE with rakau. We are getting better every week.


Here are some black and white photos of us. Whaea Aroha is teaching us about tone.
Tone is...
light and dark
soft and hard
hatching and
cross hatching

What will we be doing with these photos to learn about tone? Come back in a week to see!

Pencil versus Camera

We have been looking at the element of LINE. Ben Heine is a Belgian artist who uses his imagination to draw what he sees in a photo. Here are some of our line drawings that are like Bens.

Paper Planes

We are using paper planes to help us learn about measurement. The challenge was to throw a paper plane and then measure the distance it flew, but...we weren't allowed to use a ruler! So we measured in dictionaries, people, feet, sticks, cars,...

I have learned...
Dictionaries are not a good way to measure because they are all different sizes.
People are not a good way to measure because people are not the same size.
Feet are a good guessing way of measuring.

For maths this term we are doing measurment. We learned using things that don't stay the same size is not an accurate way of measuring, so instead we use metres and centimetres and millimetres. Boy, Wheae A,you have taught us some cool stuff!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Reuben Wiki

Reuben Wiki came to Room Six. He is so cool! He played more than a hundred rugby league games. Also he was in lots and lots of countries like Australia, PNG, Samoa, England, Tonga, Germany, Italy, Vietnam/Laos, Fiji, New Zealand, and North America/ Los Angels. So that is pretty cool. He signed autographs and danced Jump Jam with us too.

He played tackle bull-rush with kids at lunch time. Storm tackled Reuben Wiki and got Reuben's singlet to keep. He ran over Jake too! The boys were covered from head to toe in mud!

We were a very lucky school to have Reuben Wiki visit us.

By Sasha

Thursday, May 20, 2010

P.E at Mapua School

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We are learning to balance better and to become more agile. That means moving like a cat, quickly and easily. It is so much fun because we can go all the way down to the big fallen trees on the beach. Now there is a rock wall, we have lots of places to rock hop.

Room 6 thinking...

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