Thursday, April 29, 2010

Easter egg hunt.

3 weeks ago we had a Easter egg hunt. When I hung my bag up I saw people lining up in their house colours to get their face painted. After I did my jobs, I went to get my face painted. Jamie's brother Samuel painted me and my brothers face. We also got rabbit ears. When the bell rang everyone ran into there class. When Whaea Aroha walked into our class she said, "We have a whole bunch of rabbits in our class today!" Then we carried on with our Maths. As soon as the bell rang we ran to our house for the rules. Then we ran around looking for the clues. When we finished looking for the clues the house leaders picked 5 people to build the Easter egg together. After they buit the Easter egg we took a photo of RED HOUSE! And we all got 1 Easter egg and went back to our class.

By Brooke

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mad Hair Day

It was mad hair day. I was exhausted. My Mum and Dad came too. I love mad hair day.
I saw really cool hair dos. I had fun!
Chloe had the best hair. I loved it. My sistwe had realy cool hair.
I liked it!

by Milly.